[Sussex] Microsoft fails to comply

Richie Jarvis richie at helkit.com
Sat Mar 19 18:49:17 UTC 2005

John D. wrote:

> Richie Jarvis wrote:
> -----%<-----
>>   At least if the tories get in, then it might change - whether for 
>> the better or not, who can say?
> -----%<-----
> A fair question, from a good debate.
> Though, I suspect that all the time the Tories are suffering from the 
> detritus of the Thatcher years, then they will still be as obsessed 
> with self interest as ever.
> Oh, and don't forget, "wishy washy liberal/socialist" I may be, but 
> even if he was the best thing since sliced bread, the current tory 
> leader was the man who took away one of your fundamental rights.
> Not one of the pseudo rights as worked out via the courts, but a 
> "biggie", granted by the monarchy in the days of feudalism.
> The "RIGHT", to silence. As granted to us by King John, under Magna 
> Carta.
Ah - didn't know that - too young ;)  Hell, all this politics is 
confusing me - All I know right now is that the current regime needs to 
go - NOW.

> Hence my view, that maybe _IF_ "they" got rid of the "old guard", then 
> maybe the up and coming types might have some good ideas/view - but it 
> won't happen, because the "blue rinse brigade" won't let it!

Very true - so we are destined to continue in the same political system 
and vain - bugger.

> Just my tuppence worth !
> John D.

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