[Sussex] Debian news...

Trevor Marshall trevorm at rusham.demon.co.uk
Wed May 4 19:41:01 UTC 2005

Gareth Ablett wrote:
>  From: Andrew Guard [mailto:andrew at andrewguard.com]
>>Geoffrey Teale wrote:
>>>No doubt some of you are already aware, but...
>>>... Sarge is frozen.. which means there will be a Debian release
>>>sometime in the next couple of months.
>>Thats good, at long last it within last hurdles.
>>But is it realy worth time and effort for all those CPU systems, isn't
>>waste of time doing anything but for AMD/Intel and PPC?
Ohhhh yes.  I need something relatively recent to run on my old SPARC 
boxes - and I'm supposed to be getting a new (to me) SS20 this weekend 
which will need a Linux installation on it.  Should be ideal as a mail- 
and web-server.
> I could probably look to find out myself but as it wasn't glaringly
> obvious I decide to ask you.
> Do you know if there is going to be a stable release of sarge for x86-64
> platform?

Woo-hah! a question I can answer!  The answer looks like "no", it'll be 
stable in Etch, see
for details.

I've been thinking about an amd64 system as a replacement for this old 
400MHz PII as a workstation, and I looked at Debian availability :-(. 
There's an Ubuntu amd64 version - anybody tried that?

Trevor Marshall

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