[Sussex] cdrom access to all users

Ronan Chilvers ronan at thelittledot.com
Mon May 9 14:11:48 UTC 2005

Hi Brendan

Brendan Whelan wrote:
> /dev/hda /media/cdrom auto user 0 0

Try 'users' instead of 'user'.  The 'users' option allows any user to
mount & unmount the device again even if you weren't the one to mount
it. The 'user' option should do the same thing for ordinary users,
except that only the user who mounted the device is allowed to unmount
it.  Don't know how FC3 manages cdroms, etc.  You may find you also have
to add yourself to a cdrom users group.  Does

grep cdrom /etc/group

turn up anything?  If it does there's a cdrom group and you need to be a


e: ronan at thelittledot.com
w: www.thelittledot.com
t: 01903 739 997
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