[Sussex] Broadband and suse9.2

Jon Fautley jfautley at redhat.com
Thu May 26 13:12:44 UTC 2005

On Thursday 26 May 2005 13:59, awd wrote:

> mentor at linux:~>wget htttp://www.freezone.co.uk
> Resonlving            [wait about 10 seconds]
> Connecting to !:80..................    [wait forever]

Hmm... strange. I've checked the site from here and it's working fine.. do you 
have any sort of firewall enabled on your linux box? A web cache of some sort 
on your network? 

Try 'telnet www.freezone.co.uk 80' and see if that connects.
I notice you've played with the MTU of your router (maybe) - can you do a: 
ping -s 28000 lazarou.jogbert.net  from linux and see if it returns a reply?

That'll attempt to pin down if it's an MTU issue.


Jon Fautley <jfautley at redhat.com>     direct: +44 1483 739615
 Presales Technical Consultant        office: +44 1483 300169
 Red Hat UK                           mobile: +44 7841 558683
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