[Sussex] Access to RHEL updates without subscription

Paul Tansom paul at aptanet.com
Tue May 31 22:18:45 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-05-31 at 17:22 +0100, Geoffrey J. Teale wrote:
> Steve Dobson <steve at dobson.org> writes:
> > Or Gentoo as he seams use to doing all that compiling.
> Or Windows, as he seems keen on paying for support he doesn't and/or can't
> use.
> Second thought... nah...

Nooooo!!!!! ...and to clarify things, I am not keen on paying for
support, I do my own, but I also support customers, and this one chose
Red Hat and then called me for help! My life would have been easier if
they had called me for advise first, but there you go - I should be
grateful to have a customer with Linux on the desktop really :)

Paul Tansom | Aptanet Ltd. | http://www.aptanet.com/

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