[Sussex] Podcast - DRAFT "actor's release"

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Sun Oct 9 20:55:10 UTC 2005


On Sun, Oct 09, 2005 at 09:23:17PM +0100, Mark Harrison (Groups) wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-10-09 at 14:10 +0100, Steve Dobson wrote:
> > I like most of the working, but not the angle.  This seams like the
> > actors (and only the actors) are signed their rights over to SLUG
> > rather than making a collaborative production
> Just re-read it, and apart from the use of the word "actor" at the top
> and the bottom, it is fairly general. For example, I've stuck with the
> word "contribution" rather than "performance" for that very reason.

I agree, it is very general.  I and would be prepared to sign such a

> If I change the word "actor" to "contributor", will that do? Or have I
> missed something?

Yes.  I would like just one document that has every contributors
contribution.  For example it would start:

  "We, the undersigned, ..."

Much less paperwork if every has to sign only one piece of paper.

Harris's Lament:
	All the good ones are taken.
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