[Sussex] USB Flash Drive

John Thompson jdthompson at themutual.net
Tue Oct 11 20:10:43 UTC 2005

Hi all,

This is a simple question:-

When I want to disconnect a USB flash drive or a digital camera, is it 
alright just to unplug it - or should I do somthing first?

(Knowing that Windows complains if I do!!)

While I'm here, one more question:-

The screen seems a bit slow to update - for example, if I drag a window 
it leaves a trail of "edges" behind - they almost instantly dissapear 
though. Also does this on text etc. when I scroll using the wheelmouse.

Running Suse 9.3 with NVidia card. Yast says it's all OK - evens reckons 
3D is working! Dual-boot system (W2000 - all OK on windows).

But apart from that - it's OK this Linux - generally only use Windows at 
work now...


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