[Sussex] Kiss.

nik butler nik at reducedhackers.com
Mon Oct 17 09:29:45 UTC 2005

> If you go out with the Group, then I want you to bring it home by 10pm
> you understand? You are not to give it alcohol, or to allow it to smoke.
mark... you are clearly out of touch with the Group of Today. Nowadays 
groups think nothing of staying out till all hours of the night. 
Drinking, Smoking, downloading GPL Content to compile usually without 
firewall protection.  They have unprotected HEX and leave Stack 
overflows all over the places... many of them wear Hoodies or morally 
offensive T-shirts with such slogans as

	go FSCK your self

	Distributing Clues to the Clueless

Speaking , like your self as a concerned parent and guardian i say you 
look your children in their rooms until their married !


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