[Sussex] Dual Boot success

Gavin Stevens starshine at gavmusic.uklinux.net
Sat Sep 3 23:55:35 UTC 2005

Hi all,

I have now got Debian Sarge & CentOS happily dual-booting.

The help I got here made me realise that I wasn't that far off getting
it to work.

I got confused by the "/1" label given to the "/" directory of the
partition for CentOS.

A few minutes spent editing GRUB & CentOS sparked into life.

My happiness was fairly short-lived, however, as I was soon reminded
that I was now in RPM territory. Oh dear. Looks like now might be the
time finally to learn about how RPM works & learning was the whole
purpose of the Debian/CentOS dual boot endeavour.

At least I can boot into Debian & clear my mind by typing apt-get
commands & looking in Synaptic.

Quick RPM question: What do I use to view available RPM packages? i.e:
what is the RPM equivalent of dselect or Synaptic?

To finish on a more positive vibe about CentOS - the installer is very
good. Easy to understand, flexible & I felt confident with it right from
the start.


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