[Sussex] Flash (was BCF Working and Crawley)

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Sun Sep 4 17:20:23 UTC 2005


On Sun, Sep 04, 2005 at 05:40:16PM +0100, Frances Fleming wrote:
> On Sun Sep 4 06:05:29 BST 2005, Steve Dobson wrote:
> > The page you referenced is a downloads page for a compressed tarball,
> > which after you have uncompressed and extracted the contents has an
> > install script that has to be run to add the plugin to the appropriate
> > browser(s).
> Steve, this is far too early for you to be getting up on a Sunday
> morning, unless of course it's too late from the night before ;)

6:00 isn't early - althouh I wasn't fully awake yet.
> While I do appreciate all your instructions, you still haven't addressed
> the primary problem I mentioned:
> Even though I've been through the Edit > Preferences menu and opened the
> settings to allow downloads, popups, cookies, Java and Javascript, still
> when I click on the Download Now button, absolutely nothing
> happens.Except the Firefox logo in the top right of my browser gives a
> quarter turn then stops.
> On previous occasions, I've tried to install Flash when I've visited a
> site that needs it, and I've got the Macromedia license agreement
> dialog, but then when I've clicked the download button, nothing has
> happened.
> So I never get as far as having the tarball onto my machine :(

It should just work.  I check the page and the download is a simple
HTTP download.  You don't need cookies, Java or Javascript.  If you
can't get it to work then try:

  wget ttp://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/shockwave/flash/english/linux/7.0r25/install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz

which should pull the file directly.


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