[Sussex] Slow runnings...

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk
Thu Sep 15 15:49:29 UTC 2005

Hi all,

I've recently installed IceCast onto my server at home and it now seems 
to be running like a very heavy object with no legs.

I'm not too sure where to go from here or how to investigate memory 
leakage, but I've tried running


and it told me that MySQL was hogging the most CPU, so then I did

# ps ax

and I seem to be running about 100 occurrances of Apache2.  I've altered 
my apache config so it doesn't spawn as many servers (reduced it from 
150 to 50) and then rebooted the entire box.

It shutdown in the same way a feather falls down a very deep well.  It 
came back up fairly quickly, and has now ground to a state where even 
doing the simplest tasks over SSH on a 100Mb Ethernet connection is painful.

I've removed all unnecessary services from the run-levels, and I can't 
think what else to do... :(

All help is greatfully accepted,


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