[Sussex] List Etiquette [Was: df - what's going on?]

John D. johnsemail at f2s.com
Mon Apr 17 09:06:16 UTC 2006

On Monday 17 April 2006 05:23, Steven Dobson wrote:
Technological Taleban.
I always thought that "they", along with the "software nazis" and the "IT 
kmher Rouge" all work in Redmond, WA and California :-P

All the posts on this particular subject, serves to remind me just how 
difficult it can be to communicate "exact" intent and meaning with this kind 
of medium i.e. even novelists get it "wrong".

Good thing we're all different, eh what!



p.s. Erm, maybe the more knowledgeable on the list could invent some 
additional tags (html, xml or something) so we know when someone is trying to 
make a point, be sarcastic or just a "smart Alec" (who? me? NEVER - honest 
Guv'). :-)

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