[Sussex] The gimp and associated problems (under Kubuntu 6.06)

Steven Dobson steve at dobson.org
Sun Aug 6 21:49:42 UTC 2006


On Sun, 2006-08-06 at 22:01 +0100, John D. wrote:
> On Sunday 06 August 2006 19:54, Steven Dobson wrote:
> > It might be that you have broken depenances in the /etc/apt/sources.list
> > file.  If you've added other archives to install software not available
> > in standard Kubuntu.  I suggest you strip the file back to just the
> > supported archives and then do:
> >
> >    apt-get update
> >    apt-get install libgimp2.0-dev
> And no, that didn't work either. I tried only having official repositories, 
> and then including some of the unofficial ones as well.
> I still get the same errors i.e. that the libgimp depends on the libgtk which 
> depends on the ....................... etc etc.
> Hence, still confused as hell.

If might be then that the archive is out of date.  I see this with sid
(the development archive in Debian).  I can only suggest that you wait a
few days and try again.

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