[Sussex] Microsoft Windows minimum system's

linux at oneandoneis2.org linux at oneandoneis2.org
Mon Aug 7 09:55:48 UTC 2006

Quoting Alan Pope <alan at popey.com>:

> On Mon, Aug 07, 2006 at 01:50:56AM -0600, linux at oneandoneis2.org wrote:
>> Plus it took an hour to install. . .
> About the same time it takes to install Ubuntu, end to end, isn't it?

End-to-end is different: Vista took a lot longer than one hour to get  
fully set-up.

To go from a blank hard drive to one with the OS installed from the  
disk, it took an hour for Vista and less than half that for Ubuntu.  
But neither was a fully-functional OS in terms of a typical desktop  
user's needs.

Ubuntu needed a download for MP3, but Vista had no Ogg support. Ubuntu  
support all my hardware without any further installing, Vista required  
a lot of additional drivers - and it's a good thing I had them on  
disk, because a driver it didn't have was the Ethernet one!

Both needed an Nvidia graphics driver, Ubuntu needed DVD, etc etc. And  
neither has a particularly good wallpaper by default either :o)

> Although with Ubuntu (read: Linux) you generally get a load more
> applications than you do with a base windows install.

Yeah - there's no MS Paint in Vista, I had to download Gimp before I  
could start taking screenshots. Mutter mutter. And ironically, Ubuntu  
supports MS Office formats out of the box and Vista doesn't :o)

> I have XGL on Ubuntu Dapper here. Looks like Edgy will have AIGLX.

Ahh, interesting, I haven't seen AIGLX yet. . .



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