[Sussex] SLOGoppix - What's in a name

Adam J Purcell adamjpurcell at gmail.com
Mon Aug 7 19:55:54 UTC 2006

On 8/7/06, Steven Dobson <steve at dobson.org> wrote:
> Nik
> On Mon, 2006-08-07 at 07:07 +0100, Nicholas Butler wrote:
> > hahahahahahah Hey Steve, Adam do you guys remember the BOF on
> > LUG.org.uk  ?  I think this needs a JFDI response.
> I'm kinda into that.

How can I forget that suffocating green room!  JFDI has a lot of
merits, it must be said!

> But if I remember right so far we have a number of single suggestions
> for alternate names and two votes for SLUGoppix.  If this is discussion
> over then I declare that that makes SLUGoppix the winner.
> Steve

You're right, it doesn't really matter all that much.  Looks like I've
opened a can of worms (or should that be slugs!)  It just occurred to
me that now is the best time to think about it, to give time to anyone
wanting to come up with a logo ready for the weekend.

Anyway, I raised the question and caused a commotion.  My job here is
done!  Time to return to the shadows..!


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