[Sussex] Moot/Linux CD thoughts

Steven Dobson steve at dobson.org
Tue Aug 8 13:28:30 UTC 2006


On Tue, 2006-08-08 at 13:31 +0100, John Crowhurst wrote:
> Has anyone thought about using screenKast or similar to turn a series of
> screenshots into a movie from the tutorials at the moots?
> These tutorials could then be put on a CD or DVD and perhaps be available
> for download for anyone who misses the tutorials.
> If there is space on the Linux CD, a couple of informative "newbie"
> screencast movies would help someone get started with the CD.

I like this idea but the one thing everyone involved in podcasting says
is audio quality is everything.  Unless the speaker is recorded cleanly
then the experance of "watching" the movie is poor.

If we could figure a way to get a good recording of the talks then just
putting the audio tracks up on the web site with the slide shows would
be enough.  All we need the speaker to do is say "Next Slide" and the
viewer would know when to change.

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