[Sussex] Moot/Linux CD thoughts

John Crowhurst fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Tue Aug 8 18:23:12 UTC 2006

On Tue, August 8, 2006 14:28, Steven Dobson wrote:
> I like this idea but the one thing everyone involved in podcasting says
> is audio quality is everything.  Unless the speaker is recorded cleanly
> then the experance of "watching" the movie is poor.

An alternative would be to create a flash movie and add a narrative
afterwards. You get the clear audio quality together with a non
interactive movie of mouse interactions, menus and experiences.

This link shows how to do this using X11vnc and vnc2swf to capture the
output of an X session and record a narrative:

If the movie was played and a narrative recorded afterwards, the resulting
mp3 can be embedded using the -a switch on pyvnc2swf.


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