[Sussex] Why Linux doesn't need defrag

linux at oneandoneis2.org linux at oneandoneis2.org
Tue Aug 22 08:02:11 UTC 2006

Quoting Alan Pope <alan at popey.com>:

> Weeeelll.. You kinda have to wonder. Creating an article, posting to a Linux
> User Group mailing list then not correcting the bits that were wrong

Hmm? I thought I'd corrected all the errors brought up on SLUG..?

> posting to digg *yourself*...
> ...I'd say you kinda asked for it. :)

Possibly - Maybe it's changed in the last few months, but times when  
I've been dugg before hasn't turned my inbox into a river of flame  
like it did this time - and it's hardly the most emotive &  
controversial topic, after all. . I was amazed when it was found to be  
an interesting enough link to hit the front page, to be honest.

> Then you have the cheek to say you're thinking of *blocking* digg from
> linking to your site (in your blog)..

Yeah - I've not had a problem with Digg in the past, but I can live  
without getting several hundred obscenities in my Inbox in the space  
of two days. If that's the best Digg has to offer now, I think I'll  
give it a miss. I can go to Slashdot for that kind of thing ;o)

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