[Sussex] Why Linux doesn't need defrag

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Tue Aug 22 09:36:10 UTC 2006

On Tue, Aug 22, 2006 at 02:02:00AM -0600, linux at oneandoneis2.org wrote:
> Quoting Alan Pope <alan at popey.com>:
> >Weeeelll.. You kinda have to wonder. Creating an article, posting to a 
> >Linux
> >User Group mailing list then not correcting the bits that were wrong
> Hmm? I thought I'd corrected all the errors brought up on SLUG..?

The questions around platters and clusters weren't cleared up I think.
There's also the issue that you've lumped together all the windows
filesystems FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, and put together all the non-windows
ones ext2/3, reiser, xfs and so on.

Have you seen the rebuttal?

To be honest I don't know enough about it to make a sound judgement, but it
just doesn't sound "right". I'd say it's one of those areas you need to know
*real* well, it's not something you can bluff your way through.

> Possibly - Maybe it's changed in the last few months, but times when  
> I've been dugg before hasn't turned my inbox into a river of flame  
> like it did this time - and it's hardly the most emotive &  
> controversial topic, after all. . I was amazed when it was found to be  
> an interesting enough link to hit the front page, to be honest.

Oh come on! It's a very emotive subject. Any article which takes a stance
that Linux is better than Windows for *any* reason is going to get peoples
backs up. 

You could just as easily have written any of the following and gained the
same response:-

"Why Windows can't handle large files well"
"Why Windows security is non existent"
"Why Windows isn't ready for the desktop"

All of which could be argued if you had enough knowledge of the subject.
Each would still generate a flame war though.

> Yeah - I've not had a problem with Digg in the past, but I can live  
> without getting several hundred obscenities in my Inbox in the space  
> of two days. If that's the best Digg has to offer now, I think I'll  
> give it a miss. I can go to Slashdot for that kind of thing ;o)

I guess it depends in part on whether you're part of the "community" on
digg. If you just turn up to pimp your own articles then maybe you deserve
what you get. If you're there to participate, maybe you'd get a better
reaction, although in this case I doubt it :)


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