[Sussex] Hello and introduction

Zoe Parsons zoe at theasylum.demon.co.uk
Mon Feb 6 07:59:20 UTC 2006

On Fri, 13 Jan 2006, Jon Fautley wrote:

> Zoe Parsons wrote:
>> Hiya, been a member of this that list for a while now, but never quite 
>> gotten around to saying hello. :-)
>> Heavy Debian user, occasionally slackware, currently living in Hove. Pretty 
>> much it really. :-)
> Welcome to the list!
> I see you're a Debian user already - so we'll have to skip the 50 emails 
> saying "Use Debian" that most new members seem to get ;)
I have to say, I only switched to Debian when apt came along. Before that, 
Slack only, I just got to the point where I couldn't be arsed with 
building almost my entire distro again every so often. :-) Ah the good old 
days of 2 day long gcc bootstraps and X builds.... ;-)

> Of course, I use a real man's distribution, none of that ancient Debian stuff 
> ;)
Debian Experimental? ;-)

> And, regarding your LJ, you *would* get foxes having sex in the street in 
> Southsea... me and a friend of mine saw some a couple of years back ;)
(insert joke about it just being a couple of drunk students having just 
left the student union)
I swear I saw two foxes circling each other to fight whilst several others 
were standing around in a circle chanting "fight fight fight"....
And who says Hangleton is dull? (well apart from me that is) ;-)

Huzzah! I've come out of my depression long enough to write some emails!

Zoe Parsons   | skype:mpsonscix   |
zoe at theasylum.demon.co.uk   |   http://livejournal.com/~zoep
mpsons at cix.compulink.co.uk  |   ICQ:97984995
aim:mpsonscix  |  yim:mpsons_cix  |  msn:zoe at theasylum.demon.co.uk
Just because I might be logged onto these doesn't mean I'm there...

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