[Sussex] Soekris question for Steve D

Ronan Chilvers ronan at thelittledot.com
Mon Feb 27 13:02:50 UTC 2006

Thanks for all the responses, folks!

Steve - if I order one I'll let you know and happily get those
extra bits.  Reliable gang are they?  The website is a little on the
basic side, not wanting to be judging books by the cover or
anything!!??!!  Does the HDD you have fit inside the case?  Did you buy
a board and case bundle?  Are you using it with a USB ADSL modem

Andy - interesting howto - had a very quick whizz through but will be
going back to read again.  So following your notes, I'd end with debian
installed on a.... CF card? HDD?  Wasn't sure what the end result was,
but could be entirely down to that fact I haven't read thoroughly yet.

Fiddleability (to use Steve's excellent phrase) is a major aim here and
I'm a debianista through and through (or is that debianite?!).

e: ronan at thelittledot.com
t: 01903 739 997

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