[Sussex] A little help with I18n on the web

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Tue Jan 17 17:04:24 UTC 2006

Hi all

I think there are some JBoss/XHTML experts here on the list, and I'm
need a little help getting started in the right direction.

Here is the set up:

  Machine 1: A web server running in my DMZ
    A Debian box
    Apache 2 running
      mod_jk2 installed to forward some requests onto a TomCat server

  Machine 2: A JBoss server (inc TomCat) running on my private LAN
    Also a Debian box
    JBoss 4.0.3 as the application server

The above is working just fine thank, you very much.  The apache 
server is serving up the static content and passing the dynamic
stuff back to the application server to do it's thing.

The Problem:

I want the system to be I18n capable.  I want to get the locale info
from the client's system when they connect so that I can server
dates, number, etc... (as well as the text when I get the translations
done) in the format for their locale.  i.e. The US gets it's broken
date format, we get the proper one.

So far I have done no I18n stuff in my code, I have tried some of the
config on the applications server - nothing has done what I want.

Q1: How do you configure Firefox to have a different locale?
    (Couldn't find the menu option - is it a plugin, and if so
     which one?)

I have configured Mozilla to have a fr-fr locale (the only one
configured) but when I make requests to Apache the access logs just show
a en-US request.  Thus:
    /1.1" 404 1018 "http://../..." "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040413 Debian/1.6-5"

Q2: Why isn't Mozilla requesting a fr-fr page? Is there something I
need to do in Apache2?  (Config of Apache is how it came from Debian
except for my virtual hosts).

On the application server I make try and set the locale from the
request, but all I get is "null".

Q3: Is there something I need to do to get Apache to forward the
locale on to the app server?

Q4: Anything else you think I should know?

Thanks for all your help

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