[Sussex] [OT] Running a server from home

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Sat Jan 21 03:32:49 UTC 2006

Hi Rob

On Fri, Jan 20, 2006 at 03:51:45PM -0000, Rob Malpass wrote:
> Can someone please fill in gap in my knowledge (one of many!)?

I'll do my best, but this is a big topic - many parts.  I've give the
broad overview and as you go further then we can look at each step in
more details.

> I want to run a server from home that I can access from anywhere - a fairly 
> bold step for a novice like me.   Security issues, notwithstanding, I need 
> to know how to do this.

It is not that difficult.  More daunting than any thing. 

> I can, for example, configure a box to run a web service and I think I know 
> enough to firewall it safely and so on.

If you can do that then you're more than half way there.  But fire walling a
publicly accessible server is very different from fire walling a home network.
For a home network firewall you can say block all packets that originate from
outside.  That will allow machines on your home network to connect to web servers
on the Net, but not machines on the Net from connecting to machines on your
home network.

If your going to make a server on your home network accessible outside then
you will need to open a number of ports for incoming connections and have
them forwarded on to your server.  Which ports depends upon what your doing.
A web server needs port 80 forwarded, a mail server port 25, and ssh (to 
log in remotely) needs port 22.

> However what I don't know is how 
> I access it from outside my LAN.   I've read up as much as I can but all I 
> can find out is:
> 1) I won't be able to access it as if it were part of my ISP's network due 
> to firewalls.
> 2) They won't like me using bandwidth without permission.
> 3) I need to register a domain name and have that domain name point at my 
> server.

Firstly, if your ISP (you don't way which one it is, but your e-mail address
is fsnet which bounced me to wanadoo) is aiming at just allowing home users
to surf the net and play on-line games then get a better ISP.  There are ISPs
out there that will give you a connection more suitable for what you want to
do.  I'm not saying that you can't do it with the ISP you've got, but they
aren't making your life easy for you.

From "1)" it sounds like your ISP is actively trying to stop you doing what 
you want to do.  If they block incoming web connection from getting to 
your server then your stuffed (to use the technical term).  You could use
something like Hamachi (www.hamachi.cc) which can be used to establish
a VPN (Virtual Private Network) between your laptop at a friends house
(or your computer at the office) to your home network.

But if you want to run a web server to let the world come read about what
you're doing (and the webcam sounds like that is what you want to do - and
why not) then you need a better ISP.

I recommend Zen (www.zen.co.uk).  Their prices don't look the cheapest
at first glance, but I'm happy.  When I first connected to them some
three years ago I mirrored Debian i386 archive.  It is currently over
35GB small - and to start of it took a full week (24hrs a day) to
rsync(1) it.

I don't pull 35GB every week, but keeping the mirror fresh requires that
I keep it synced - and that takes several hours every day (it starts a
3am).  I would probably blow Wanadoo's 30GB limit most months, and
the price of that is more than the price I pay at Zen.

> It's 3) above I need some help with - how do I get at the damn thing once 
> I've set it up?   Surely if whatever domain is pointing at my home LAN, 
> that's my ISP's bandwidth too.

Correct.  If you have bought yourself a domain then you need a permanent
IP address and an ISP that will allow the world access to it.  Okay (before
I get flamed) I know DynDNS can do it with dynamic IP address, but for
your own domain they charge $25 per year just for the DNS setup.  Also, for
me that route is like owning a mini and then saying you now need to carry six
people in it a lot of the time.  It can be done, but it would be much
better if you got yourself an MPV.

> Now obviously I could just buy some webspace or use my own ISP account - 
> but one service I'll be running is a webcam so not sure how I go about 
> putting the feed from the webcam on the ISP.

Yes, having you're own local webserver would be the way I'd do that.  You
only need to serve the webcam pictures up when someone hits that page.
But be warned:  Download speeds are *NOT* the same as upload speeds, so 
serving video or large pictures is going to be slow from a server at home.

So my advice:

Step 1). Get yourself an ISP that is friendly to what you want to do.  I
         hope you're not locked in to your current ISP.

Step 2). Buy a domain - It sounds like you already have.

Step 3). Set up DNS.  There is no need to go out and buy DNS hosting.  You
         can if you want - but there is no need.  To DNS host you need two
	 different servers (on different networks).  You already have one
	 (the one that will also be a web server) if you install the right
	 software (bind9).

	 As for the second I've got one, and it the age old system of
	 "I'll host your's if you host mine" we can get you the two DNS
	 servers you need to support a domain.

Step 4). Configure you web server (that you say you can do) and any other
         services you want.  I recommend running your own e-mail server
	 too.  If you own your own domain you can run your own e-mail
	 server and that is kinda cool.

Hope this helps
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