[Sussex] Two operating systems & one camera...

Nic James Ferrier nferrier at tapsellferrier.co.uk
Fri Jul 14 14:07:13 UTC 2006

Geoffrey J Teale <gteale at cmedresearch.com> writes:

> What you will find is that several higher functioning cameras come with 
> extra control software that only works with Windows.  It's that kind of 
> issue (the disk in the box with the gadget) that tends to convince 
> people that Windows is easier than Linux.

And yet the application will probably have been thrown together and
not work very well. It's funny really.

> Moreover people are far more tolerant of problems in software they are 
> used to than in "alternative" software.  I've seen this with OOo vs. Ms 
> Office.  Users indulge in all manner of work arounds, kludges and even 
> the application of patches - yet they'll scream the first time they 
> can't find a menu option in OOo.
> Human nature is an interesting thing!

Yes. I think this is true of any technology. People grow to love it,
they are often resistant at first. I've seen this exact symptom with
all these technologies: cars, mowers and ironing boards. I'm sure I've
seen it with others as well.

Nic Ferrier
http://www.tapsellferrier.co.uk   for all your tapsell ferrier needs

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