[Sussex] Two operating systems & one camera...

Geoffrey J Teale gteale at cmedresearch.com
Fri Jul 14 14:42:27 UTC 2006

Nic James Ferrier wrote:
> And yet the application will probably have been thrown together and
> note work very well. It's funny really.

In some cases this is very true - in the case I'm talking about 
(software shipped with Digital SLRs) the software is actually pretty 
good.  Some vendors (particularly Nikon) even sell the software as a 
separate package.

> Yes. I think this is true of any technology. People grow to love it,
> they are often resistant at first. I've seen this exact symptom with
> all these technologies: cars, mowers and ironing boards. I'm sure I've
> seen it with others as well.

It's also worth noting that even software engineers do it.  Every time I 
employ a new engineer I have to field a barrage of questions of the 
nature of "oh you use <a> but <b> is much better, why don't we switch to 
that".  About 10% of the time they have a valid point, the rest of the 
time it either boils down to "I've used <b> and understand it, I've 
never used <a> and I am afraid of things I don't know" or a matter of 
personal preference (the Emacs vs. Vi vs A.N.Other thing is a prime 
example).  It's very rare that these things are still a topic of 
discussion once someones been doing it "our" way for more than a few weeks.

The moral of this story.  Humans dislike change (until they get bored, 
then they crave it).

G. J. Teale
Software Engineering Team Leader

Cmed Group Ltd.
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