[Sussex] reformatting a Linspire.

Desmond Armstrong desmond.armstrong at gmail.com
Thu Jul 27 05:26:04 UTC 2006

Needless to say the OpenOffice installed is very old, not even 1.1.5.
The partitioner on Mandriva is unable to do the job, it won't go that 
far. PM does not work either.
No, I am not bashing Linspire but do want the owner to have a fully 
fledged system with a lot of applications. I have already changed the 
login in from the usual Linspire one where the user has full root access 
to the normal user account as a first action.
I will try the Debian distro to see if I can sort the machine with that.

Paul Howard wrote:

> On 7/26/06, *Desmond Armstrong* <desmond.armstrong at gmail.com 
> <mailto:desmond.armstrong at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     I have in hand a machine with Linspire installed.
>     As the system is locked to the Linspire at some cost we wish to
>     reformat
>     and to install a more sensible Linux. You  cannot install even
>     OpenOffice.org.
>     The system does not accept rpm, very fundamental to any system.
>     I have so far failed in my attempts to reformat the drive  (200gig
>     Maxtor SATA).
>     Has anybody encountered this problem? and is there some knowledge
>     of how
>     to deal with it?
> Errrrrrr  Linspire comes with Openoffice preinstalled so you won't 
> need to install it. It is based on Debian so you are correct , it 
> won't use RPMs but DEBs as a standard install package, but you can use 
> Alien to convert them RPMs to DEBs.
> How are you trying to format the drive? If you are installing a "more 
> sensible linux" then surely it has drive partitioning software as part 
> of the install process?
> sorry - your email sounded like Linspire bashing and most people who 
> do that either a) haven't tried it or b) don't get it!
> -- 
> Paul Howard
> t: +44 (0)1293 738158
> m: +44 (0)7771 512312 

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