[Sussex] reformatting a Linspire.

Ronan Chilvers ronan at thelittledot.com
Thu Jul 27 07:54:22 UTC 2006

Hi Desmond

On Thu, Jul 27, 2006 at 06:25:48AM +0100, Desmond Armstrong wrote:
> Needless to say the OpenOffice installed is very old, not even 1.1.5.
> The partitioner on Mandriva is unable to do the job, it won't go that 
> far. PM does not work either.
> No, I am not bashing Linspire but do want the owner to have a fully 
> fledged system with a lot of applications. I have already changed the 
> login in from the usual Linspire one where the user has full root access 
> to the normal user account as a first action.
> I will try the Debian distro to see if I can sort the machine with that.

An alternative that I often use is to grab an Ubuntu Live CD and use
that as a maintenance disk.  Its a bit slow booting but you would then
have access to all sorts of stuff like fdisk / cfdisk that would let you
tinker about with the drive.  The Live CD has helped me out several
times on both PC and Mac hardware, including some Proliant server gear
that was playing up.

e: ronan at thelittledot.com
t: 01903 739 997

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