[Sussex] Installing nvidia driver after new kernel - (K)Ubuntu ???

Steven Dobson steve at dobson.org
Sat Jun 17 00:41:51 UTC 2006

Hi John

Long time, no hear.

On Sat, 2006-06-17 at 00:53 +0100, John D. wrote:
> Now running (K)ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper). 
> Yesterday, the package installer said there was ?? (quite a few) new package 
> upgrades waiting install.
> So I used synaptic to install the upgrades - one of which, was a newer kernel 
> version.
> I was aware that I'd have to re-install the nvidia driver - which isn't a 
> problem as I'd already found instructions how to do that on a debian based 
> system.
> The problem is, that it doesn't matter whether I just try to re-install or 
> remove and then re-install, it only wants to get the packages for the old 
> kernel version.
> Is there anyone who might be able to tell me what I'm doing wrong ?
> And yes, I have tried booting into the new kernel and then running 
> update/upgrade from CLI and then trying the remove and re-install trick.

Are you certain that there are nvidia drivers for your version of the
kernel?  I don't know (K)ubuntu (Dapper) but it can often be the case
that proprity drivers take a while to be released by the hardware

Have you removed the old kernel from the system (apt-get remove).  The
packaging system may be trying to load updates for that kernel as it is
part of your system just incase you boot to that kernel again.  [Make
sure that the new kernel works very well and is the default before
removing the old one].

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