[Sussex] Nvidia driver and updating.

Colin Tuckley colin at tuckley.org
Mon Jun 19 14:59:37 UTC 2006

John Gregory wrote:

<massive snip of multiple quoted messages>

> For what its worth I have just done a similar upgrade after changing
> from SuSE 9.3 to 10.1.

<minor snip>

*Please* edit your quotes when you reply to a message. We all have (or
should have) threading email readers, we don't need all of the last 5
iterations of the conversation for context - just a few lines is enough.



Colin Tuckley      |  colin at tuckley.org  |  PGP/GnuPG Key Id
+44(0)1903 236872  |  +44(0)7799 143369  |     0x1B3045CE

No trees were harmed during the production of this message, but a large
number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced....

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