[Sussex] Laptop sound

Steven Dobson steve at dobson.org
Fri Mar 17 07:57:32 UTC 2006


On Fri, 2006-03-17 at 00:36 +0000, Gavin Stevens wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 06:24:49 +0000
> Steven Dobson <steve at dobson.org> wrote:
> > How are you playing the MP3 file?  If you are using a modern GUI based
> > player with lots and lots of graphic feed back (like a equaliser
> > graphic or a waveform display) this may be taking to much CPU power to
> > work.
> I've been using XMMS. I tried playing the mp3s from the HDD again & it
> did improve after I minimised the XMMS window. Strangely, it continued
> OK after I un-minimised it.
> > Which should deamon (if any are you using)?  If you use the command
> > line program to play the sound file does it skip then?
> I also tried playing the same files via mp3blaster - this worked well.
> > 
> > In other words is your saved laptop not up to the job of doing
> > graphics + sound.
> The answer to this is probably "just about" - as long the music doesn't
> get too complicated.
> > 
> > > Second problem is that I can't get audio CDs to play or mount,
> > > although data CDs are fine.
> > 
> > This might be a missing driver or two.
> I installed a couple of dedicated CD players (xfreecd & xmcd) to see if
> they would play an audio CD.

These are just two more user applications for playing CDs - they are not
kernel drivers.

> They didn't, but did at least offer the message "can't open /dev/cdrom -
> permission denied".

I'm not sure that all laptops (esp early models) could play CDs.  I'm
not sure there were the connections to send the audio signal from the
player to the laptop's sound hardware.

> This is something I remember from using Woody before. If I remember
> correctly, it's just a question of changing the /dev/cdrom symlink so
> that the ordinary user account can use the CD-ROM.

No it is better to change the device that /dev/cdrom references.

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