[Sussex] Suggestions for backup software

Ronan Chilvers ronan at thelittledot.com
Thu May 4 14:22:11 UTC 2006

Hi Colin

On Thu, 04 May 2006 15:07:12 +0100
Colin Tuckley <colin at tuckley.org> wrote:

> Ronan Chilvers wrote:
> > Have a peek at flexbackup - it'll apparently do windows machines via
> > smbmount.
> I just spent a bit more time having a detailed look at flexbackup,
> starting with a search for a Debian package for it.
> What I found was a rather old and very buggy package thats been
> pulled from testing because the bugs haven't been fixed.
> Further searching turns up both SourceForge and a Freshmeat projects
> for it. Neither of which have released any files since Oct 2003.
> There is some traffic on the SF list for the project, mostly people
> reporting problems and I couldn't see any responses from the
> developer.
> Conclusion - it's no longer in development and is unsupported.

Yeah - already found a problem with the filename handling for backup
sets.  Seems to fall over on double spaces in path names...

Ho hum... maybe a couple of hours with bash / ruby is called for...

e: ronan at thelittledot.com
t: 01903 739 997

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