[Sussex] RAID & backup recomendations for home

David Morris slug at greenacre.no-ip.com
Thu May 11 22:04:16 UTC 2006


I'm personally running a central backup server using raid across 4 disks 
(using a card but software would be fine).  This makes use of rsync and 
a custom bash script which kicks off every night, logging into the 
various machines and downloading the latest info and it works like a charm.


Diego Moore wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've decided to that with all the amount of ever increasing data
> (photos, music, videos, etc) I need to get my act together and store
> it centrally in my box.
> The idea is to move the 3 x 80Gb drives out of the main PC and swap it
> with the 30Gb + 12Gb in the box in the attic.
> I guess the ideal solution would be to have both a software RAID (as
> its an older machine and I don't have a controller) using two of the
> drives and the last drive as a backup (for which I have a caddie).So
> should I bother with RAID and just rely on backups.
> Or even take the other extreme and only rely on RAID over the 3 drives
> and be more careful with trigger happy clicks (today I accidentally
> deleted a colleagues entire 5Gb Windows profile, but that's another
> story...!)
> One thing is telling me to to xyz, but what is everyone else doing in
> terms of redundancy and backups at home?
> Diego
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