[Sussex] New Slug - DCLUG-->SLUG

Daniel Robinson dan at 19.to
Thu May 25 12:55:02 UTC 2006


My name is Daniel Robinson, I'm 21 years old and am a member of DCLUG  
(Devon & Cornwall) Linux User Group.
I have decided to move to west sussex in search for work with  
computers as Cornwall does not have the opportunities for me like the  
cities would have.
I'd like to say hello to you all, HELLO! and ask around for work, I'd  
like to work as a junior technitian or some sort of basic support  
person in any area of the IT industry.
Knowing that LUG's contain the elite IT users I hope that sombody may  
know of a possition in their business that may be availible now or  
coming up soon, and could give me deails on how to apply.

Any response to this email would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for  
reading and good day to you all.


FC4 >

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