[Sussex] New Slug - DCLUG-->SLUG

Andy Smith andy at lug.org.uk
Thu May 25 13:05:53 UTC 2006

On Thu, May 25, 2006 at 12:55:22PM +0000, Daniel Robinson wrote:
> Hello...

Hi Daniel.  Welcome to the LUG.

> I'd like to say hello to you all, HELLO! and ask around for work, I'd  
> like to work as a junior technitian or some sort of basic support  
> person in any area of the IT industry.

I can't help you with a job offer but you may find it useful to
subscribe to the linuxjobs list which usually has a few job ads per
month.  You can also post a "job wanted" email there if you want.


I would also encourage anyone else who wants to post Linux-related
job ads, or forward job ads posted to other lists -- as long as you
get permission to forward them.

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