[Sussex] BCF: Showing Linux off

Nicholas Butler nik at reducedhackers.com
Sat Nov 18 19:33:07 UTC 2006

John David Thompson wrote:
> Well, my Novatech laptop with Suse 10.1 now Plays DVD's and the WiFi
> Works as well!
Excellent , do show it off at the next LUG meet then <grin>
> If I wasn't away drinking in Bristol that weekend I would bring it along
> and show it off.  I'm that pleased with it!  Perhaps next time.
> Of course I won't mention how many weeks it took to get it going.
> Have you got any kind of internet access at the BCF?
no we dont but that does remind me that a SLUG member has got something 
to do with the hall so I hope if they are reading this then maybe they 
can get in touch with Steve and I !

but THANK YOU for posting. I know Steve, Colin and I are keen to keep 
doing the shows but morale is lifted when we know people appreciate us 
doing it !


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