[Sussex] Some more thoughts on the Microsoft/Novel deal

Desmond Armstrong desmond.armstrong at gmail.com
Mon Nov 20 08:22:31 UTC 2006

Thanks for the well considered comments.
I am now thinking, What can we do to clean up the mess.

I have been predicting for the last 18 months the disaster we have on 
the home computer scene.
It does not please me to see all the spam. Last evening I had to show 
somebody, who is in business, how to use Thunderbird to filter spam some 
150 in 1 day.

My work where I recover (if possible) and clean up Windows machines, 
then dual boot and introduce the users to a reliable world of Linux, is 
a mere pin prick in a sea of crashed, virus riddled computers.
Obviously it is helping to spread the word but, at least it is a start.

I have just done my daily reporting of spam, only 17 today, and 
certainly hope that ISPs actually do do something to deal with the 
offenders. I use www.spamcop.net which is fairly quick.

Of course we see other countries trying to move away from MS, France is 
a good case but in this country we have no such government initiatives.

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