[Sussex] hosting

Paul Graydon paul at paulgraydon.co.uk
Tue Nov 21 12:25:32 UTC 2006

> Also merger with Telecity Redbus is also a very good reason to not use UK.
>  Germany is only place a price war will take place.
> http://www.interhouse.net/media/releases/unconditional.htm
> Redbus datacenter has had interesting past, with few power outages lol

Thats a serious understatement :(

Cost hikes are in the rediculous side of crazy.  What is really needed is
for a conglomerant or other large business to realise there is a nice bit
of money to be made in datacentre space given how little of it is left
right now.  TC/R's pricing scheme has reached the nonsense stage, with
price hikes so far above inflation, demand and actual running costs.  Our
datacenter manager has apparently been having major disagreements with
TC/R alongside colleagues from other companies about the prices they're
trying to charge for space.
TC's First Line Support charges are interesting too, a whopping £120
p/hour with a minimum one hour charge.  Give tne FLS pretty much just to
reboots and maybe taking CDs out of servers; £120 p/hour is nuts.
We can but hope for common sense to prevail. (yeah.. right)

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