[Sussex] My First Server...

Stephen Williams sdp.williams at btinternet.com
Sun Oct 15 19:24:06 UTC 2006


I'd find any excuse to stick with what you know. You could always stick
to a GRP install, which is now standard with 2006.1, and then emerge the
stuff you want.

If your server is intended for production use you might want to consider
the hardened branch.

Steve W.

On Sun, 2006-10-15 at 09:56 +0100, Paul Graydon wrote:
> One of the perks of working for a large ISP is the existance of what 
> they call their 'dirty' LAN, effectively three 47u cabinets set aside 
> for staff use; with an associated block of IP addresses.  Provided 
> you're either exceptionally good, or work in what they consider a 
> skilled enough department (like my role in the NOC), you get the 
> possibility to use up to 4u of cab space with various provisos about not 
> using it for illegal activity or earning money through it blah, blah.  
> My slot has now been confirmed, and I've just aquired an old server 
> through flea-bay (amd 1.7ghz jobby, so ample fast enough for most purposes).
> Now comes the fun part... Distro choosing for it.  I'm a Gentoo fan by 
> preference mainly because its the only distro I've not experienced major 
> hassles with getting specific stuff done on; but whilst the bandwidth 
> would be great for all the necessary source downloading, I just can't 
> think it would be justified on a server, nor do I want to spend that 
> long installing Gentoo whilst stuck inside one of our Docklands data 
> centres (too much noise).  Currently I'm thinking Ubuntu Server edition, 
> as a number of our platforms are increasingly Ubuntu based at the back end.
> I'm not really experienced that much with Ubuntu, has anyone got any 
> links to decent wiki's for it?  I'm not wanting the 'corporate' line on 
> it, I'm looking for real world stuff :)
> My other big like of Gentoo was that it only installed exactly what I 
> wanted, leaving a much smaller footprint, and no junk (one of the 
> reasons I don't like most Distros is that in an effort to distinguish 
> themselves from other distros they figure more packages by default = 
> better distro.)  Do folks have any other reccomendations for a Distro?  
> One thing I definately don't need is a GUI on it, given it'll be sitting 
> in a rack, and I dislike VNC!  SSH is all I need/want.  At the moment 
> I'm just thinking your typical LAMP + Exim setup for its primary 
> purpose, and possibly running a p/w protected CounterStrike Source 
> server for an occasional laugh with mates.
> Paul G
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