[Sussex] Flash 9 for Linux (beta)

John Crowhurst fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Thu Oct 19 22:35:39 UTC 2006

On Thu, October 19, 2006 22:26, Steven Dobson wrote:
> All
> On Thu, 2006-10-19 at 21:31 +0100, John Crowhurst wrote:
>> Adobe have just pushed out their pre-release of Flash 9 for Linux,
>> Windows
>> and Mac here:
>> http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html
> This is an perfect example of non-free software on Linux.

No its not, its an example of closed source software on Linux.

> The Linux player is for 32-bit 80386 and compatables only.  So if you're
> running Linux or an SPARC/MIPS/PowerPC/... processor then you're out of
> luck.  No support for you.

Bear in mind that this is a beta release, if enough people ask for other
platforms, then they might provide for them.

Much that it would be nice, I doubt Adobe would provide open source to
this product, nor any of their products in the same way Microsoft will
never do with their Office suite.

> Stand up for Freedom - don't down load this player.  Stick to standard
> web protocols that can be used by all.

This is not a stand for Freedom, its a move against it. People are "free"
to download this program and use it how they see fit. They can now upgrade
the flash in their browsers and watch what the Windows and Mac world
already see.

The real problem is there is no open source application that rivals Flash.
If there was something that could do animation, user interaction and
movies in an interactive form in one package that is light and easy to
develop in, use and was open source and free then Flash would be dead.


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