[Sussex] iso checksums

Colin Tuckley colin at tuckley.org
Mon Sep 25 08:32:52 UTC 2006

John English wrote:

> The problem at my end related to having to use Outlook Express to do
> what I needed (the only mail client that did, even Outlook was of no use
> in this respect)

I'm intrigued at what OE can do that Outlook can't. Also did you try
Thunderbird? that can do most things (with plug-ins).


Colin Tuckley      |  colin at tuckley.org  |  PGP/GnuPG Key Id
+44(0)1903 236872  |  +44(0)7799 143369  |     0x1B3045CE

Some people drink at the fountain of knowledge, others just gargle.

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