[Sussex] PSU gone, new installed computer refuses to boot

Jon Fautley jfautley at redhat.com
Mon Sep 25 14:54:41 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

Christopher Stromblad wrote:
> Hi list,
> I've got a somewhat odd problem. Few days ago my PSU popped, decided to
> not function. I baught a new one, but now my computer is acting all
> funny. While memory tests run fine, and bios works and it actually
> boots... somewhat.
> Basically it now hangs at Time: tsc clocksource has been installed.
> Whatever it's supposed to do at this stage will not work.

Is that a Kernel message?

Not sure why it'd be hanging there, it's basically just inititalising
the time source. Try booting the system and passing 'clock=pmtmr' to the
kernel boot line (2.6 kernels only, iirc) - that'll let you know if your
timing source is duff.

To be honest though, if it's hanging when trying to init. the
timesource, it's time for a new mobo :)

You've not done a Kernel upgrade recently, have you?

- --
Jon Fautley RHCE, RHCX <jfautley at redhat.com>   direct: +44 1483 739615
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