[Sussex] Any users of postgresql?

Jacqui caren jacqui.caren at ntlworld.com
Mon Apr 9 11:43:47 UTC 2007

Nic James Ferrier wrote:
> I'm considering setting up a postgreSQL user's group.

Neat - as BOF at one of the local lugs with a distinct list/identity?

> There would be 1/4 meetings (prolly in london)

The current surrey.lug.org.uk BAB meets are in Guildford
which has pretty decent road and rail links.

I visit surrey, sclug and hants periodically and have yet to
visit sussex - even though I am employed and work at clients
sites in midhurst.

 > and a presentation of something cool.

Such as?

  * Pg under openMosix or similar scalability solutions.
    on my TODO list :-)
  * a data driven template engine in postgres
    Have to check with eomployer first...
  * migration from Oracle to Postgres - Pro;s and cons.
    Some stuff is easy other bits are nigh on impossible.
    I would love to hear other folks "tales of woe" :-)
  * DBA tools - why are there no decent tools for Pg?
    I still use the antique ErWIn for schema design
    but it only supports "commercial" RDBMS I spoke to
    CA who now own ErWIn - they have no interest in
    supporting "non commercial" RDBMS - even though Pg is
    standards based. Although antigque it whomps the ass
    of every commercial Pg schema design/management tool
    out there.

> Would anyone here be interested in that?

Yes - but not in London - it is quicker for me to travel
to portsmouth (60 miles) than to london (30 miles).
I simply cannot afford to lose three hours travelling
in the cattle wagons they still use on the Reading line.

Please consider a list + BOF meets at Lugs or similar.


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