[Sussex] Which Boradband? {Was: MySQL won't start]

Steve 'Dobbo' Dobson steve at dobson.org
Fri Aug 17 21:02:55 UTC 2007


On Fri, Aug 17, 2007 at 09:19:39PM +0100, Desmond Armstrong wrote:
> Incidentally none of the ISPs positively support Linux but when you talk 
> to their teams most of their technical people not only know about Linux 
> but most of them admit to using it.

Is this true of AOL?  At one time you had to use an ADSL modem (not a router)
and you also had to install their own network stack software (which only
supported Windows) so Linux was *not* supported by them.  

I heard that they were changing and going over to a standard network model
because so many people where running home networks.  Their single connected
computer model just didn't hack it in today's world.

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