[Sussex] Re: Which Boradband? {Was: MySQL won't start]

Desmond Armstrong desmond.armstrong at gmail.com
Fri Aug 17 21:18:20 UTC 2007

> Is this true of AOL?  At one time you had to use an ADSL modem (not a 
> router)
> and you also had to install their own network stack software (which only
> supported Windows) so Linux was *not* supported by them.    
The Safecom modem router which I use can be used with AOL, (you must 
change the MTU down to 1400 as you must also do for Talktalk from it's 
default of 1500) you do not have to buy their very expensive (4x the 
price) router. Of course their client software only runs on Windows but 
you can in any case access their web based email perfectly well using 
Firefox on Linux.

But again they are not allowed, by their management, to provide support 
for Linux.

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