[Sussex] BBC Video Downloads

Geoff Teale gteale at cmedresearch.com
Thu Feb 1 11:12:14 UTC 2007

To whom it may concern,

The BBC are planning new video download services on their website.  In
principle it's not a bad thing to get a new way of accessing material
that we all pay for via our license fees.  The Trust who must makes
changes to the the BBC's license in order to support this development
have a questionnaire about some of the details of their proposed

These questions include:

"How important is it that the proposed seven-day catch-up service over
the internet is available to consumers who are not using Microsoft

I would translate this into:

"May the BBC spend the money you give it to artificially boost and
reinforce the market share a convicted monopolist, destroying British
and European businesses as it goes?"

... just my opinion of course.  :-)

To send your answer to this question, go here:


Geoff Teale
Software Engineering Team Leader

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