[Sussex] GRUB mystery

Gavin Stevens starshine at gavmusic.uklinux.net
Wed Feb 21 00:57:15 UTC 2007

On Sun, 18 Feb 2007 00:41:52 +0000
Gavin Stevens <starshine at gavmusic.uklinux.net> wrote:

> I tried installing Debian Etch on the hard drive from my kiosk server
> via my P3 machine as the kiosk server doesn't have a CDROM or floppy &
> can't boot from USB.
> I got DamnSmallLinux onto the kiosk server in this way & it worked
> fine. Also, my P3 machine has Etch on its own hard drive & it
> installed & works perfectly.
> However, when attempting to install Etch onto the kiosk server's hard
> drive, GRUB failed to install every time ("failed to install to
> /target/" was the message if I recall). I tried clearing the hard
> drive in every way available in the partitioner, but it did nothing to
> change the result.
> I may not be a "techie", but I've been using Linux for over five years
> now & can get myself out of trouble most of the time these days, but
> this has got me completely baffled - it seems to defy all logic &
> reason. Also, I've installed all versions of Debian from 2.2r4
> (Potato) onwards & I've never had this happen before.
> Any suggestions gratefully received.

I finally in getting Debian onto the kiosk server's HDD via the P3
machine... but it was Sarge & not Etch that finished up taking

As a last-gasp-desperate-try-anything attempt to install Debian on the
kiosk's HDD, I tried my Sarge netinstall CD instead of Etch. I
deliberately chose the "expert26" option in Sarge so as to keep the
installation as close as I could to my attempted Etch installation.

Sarge installed without a hitch, rebooted nicely & soon after that I was
able to replace the HD in its little home on top of the kiosk server.
The kiosk server then booted into a very basic Debian installation & it
is currently showing a command line. I can now install X & other things
a get a desktop going.

I am baffled now as to why Sarge worked & Etch didn't - especially as
Etch installed so impressively when I installed it on the P3 machine a
few weeks ago. The main difference was that I did a standard
installation on the P3 - no expert mode or anything.


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