[Sussex] musing about what I'd really like...

Dave Phelan dave.phelan at gmail.com
Tue Jun 26 12:10:55 UTC 2007

On 6/26/07, Nic James Ferrier <nferrier at tapsellferrier.co.uk> wrote:
> I'm told this is because I'm more than 2 miles from the exchange and
> that ADSL is affected by the weather.

Does it get better when the weather improves too? Ooh, it's a sunny
day - 2Mbps upstream!

I suspect what they mean is there are improperly sealed joints in the
cabling between you and the exchange, and water is getting in. This is
poor maintenance, not a problem with ADSL per ce.

Anyway, you shouldn't have to just put up with it. It shouldn't
happen. Complain, complain, and demand a fix. Report a fault every
time it goes down. That should get you some attention.

Dave Ph
 Dave Phelan CCIE#3590   ICQ: 50180416    GSM: +44 (0)7776 168561
 dave.phelan at gmail.com                  http://www.davephelan.org
 "Remember, there are no politics, only fathers and beachhouses"
                      - Eli Levitt, Oliver Stones's _Wild Palms_

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