[Sussex] Thoughts On Contrubuting to the Community

Richie Jarvis richie at helkit.com
Fri Mar 30 17:00:20 UTC 2007

Nic James Ferrier wrote:
> Steve Dobbo Dobson <steve at dobson.org> writes:
>> So here is your homework from me.  You MUST reply to this email saying
>> how you contribute, how you pay your dues, for using Linux.  There are 
>> no exceptions, no excuses, and a reasonable time limit.  You can take
>> until the next moot to answer.  Because I'm sure we'll want to talk more
>> about it then.  But answer you should.  That's my EULA on this posting
>> and all my future posting too:  To make use of the knowledge that I
>> impart you must be a contributer too.
> I have contributed real code to GAWK, GCC, Classpath, Emacs and Guile
> and done webmastering for GNU. I wrote the GNU news scripts. I have
> tried to help GNU in a whole bunch of other ways.
> I evangelize free software everywhere I go. I try and hack only on
> free software. I teach people about how to use free software. I teach
> people about how various bits of free software works. I try and teach
> people about why free software matters.
> But I have to say Steve, that I find this a bit insulting to be honest.
> We're not a community that normally DEMANDS things from people. 
> I realize it's Friday and all but let's try and be encouraging, not
> bullying. Personally, I don't wanna give anyone homework just before
> the easter holidays. I'd rather they came to linux and got involved
> coz they saw it was worthwhile not because someone told them they HAD
> to give something back. All they HAVE to give back is the legal
> responsibilities of the GPL and the other licences and to my knowledge
> these are not "let's make the sussex lug a more fun and interesting
> place".
> yours,
> disgusted of tunbridge wells
I've got to say Nic, I find that the tone of some of the posts you have 
made to this group as if you consider yourself to be better than 
everyone else, due to the amount you have contributed, and the people 
you know, and this post is not really any different.  The tone comes 
across as 'I am above all of this'.

If there is one thing I really find disturbing, and one thing I would 
change, it would be this attitude in the community.

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