[Sussex] Making Linux ever so boring

Andrew Guard andrew07 at andrewguard.com
Sat Mar 31 09:09:20 UTC 2007

First I was going to publish this on Sunday but due current comments I 
have decide to release a day earlier.

Well Linux is ever so boring. Well it is fact at end of the day Linux is 
just a kernel.  Now some of you might not like me saying this but it 
true. I am going to rather frank with my point of views.

I have been banging on about Linux and marking for years, Linux is in a 
need of new look. The public view of Linux = Boring, yes it darn boring. 
To reason is simple because your making it ever so boring.

We need to enlightened people to idea of using Linux. We all know this 
is the challenge that we now have to face. We have every thing to gain 
and nothing to loss unlike lot from Redmond do. We are in best position 
of all, we have system which is truly amazing. If they was done on the 
open market and it would cost at least £50,000 per copy. A lot things 
which Linux can do for nothing can not be done with software from Redmond.

There is an over obsesses with things no one cares about in Linux like 
how well it works, well great it works? Or sorry but wasn't that idea in 
the first place anyway? Or am I just getting this all wrong and want 
your system to crash all time.
Just by boosting how reliable you have just turned of 80% population in 
one go. As these very people couldn't care any less.  Just prove the 
point Apple isn't selling much more with that sort line is it. I must be 
just me but Apple computers are fly off shelves, the bleep there are 
experiencing is because they change CPU's more then anything else.

What do people use there computers for today is very little OBIE 
(Office, Browsing, Instant Messaging, E-mail). With Linux system don't 
have much problem with apps to do these jobs but for Instent Messaging. 
Yes there tools which work with all main IM's but well they look ugly 
and looks do matter with the public.

We need to give Linux a sleek, fresh, fun, dynamic (and dare we say) 
make it look sexy look. It can not be done, well look cars there boring 
but they done it. Dare say it but I rather talk about watching Party 
Political Snore-Cast at times then talk about Linux.

Now the great ego issue with Linux. Well if you have ego about anything 
they must have some personal issues. Get over it because it just makes 
look like a total twat.

Put it this why:- I couldn't care less if you went to MIT worked for Sun 
for 6 years now at Google. Why did I need to know that, like without 
knowing that you point becomes any less valid? It happens and why 
because they think it important well it not, it just shows that your 
dumb fool!

Also saying that been using Linux for the last 10 years doesn't make you 
any sort of expert. I know lot people who been using Windows even longer 
and will not say they are expects in using Windows. Then only thing 
comments like I been using Linux for last 10 years is just that you have
used Linux for the last 10 years and nothing else. It doesn't take 
genius browse the Internet and write few letters. If it extremely 
complex then all says about you are complete fool for making extremely 
simple so complex, well done donut for brains.

Graphic designers have a good saying for you "Keep it simple, stupid!"

There lot more I could say but will leave that for another day.
Like GPL and FSF which do not get of that lightly.

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