[Sussex] BBC iPlayer (iMP)

Simon Huggins huggie at earth.li
Tue May 1 16:32:50 UTC 2007

On Tue, May 01, 2007 at 03:26:05PM +0100, Steve 'Dobbo' Dobson wrote:
> On Tue, May 01, 2007 at 10:53:53AM +0100, Richie Jarvis wrote:
> > Al Bennett wrote:
> > >So my 10 year old Windows 95 OEM licence would do?
> > Yes, as long as you only load IE in Linux on the system built on the 
> > same motherboard as the OEM licence refers to.
> IIRC unless you can read the T&Cs of the license before you purchase then
> those terms are not enforceable under EU law.  Therefore I believe you may
> transfer the software to a new computer - that is reasonable use.

Why would anyone want to install IE?  (and for that matter iPlayer given
its Windows bent).

I find it interesting that as the record companies are starting to sell
DRM free music, broadcasters are starting down the same flawed DRM path.


Just another wannabie | Deja Moo - the feeling you've  |  Just another fool
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